Geass offers to the dentists two different implant ranges, combined with Synthegra laser surface.
The main implant line is Way implant system, characterized by a unique protocol for different prosthetic solutions, to be chosen according to the type of rehabilitation.
The second one is Omny, designed to facilitate dentists answering the growing requirements of patients in a simple, complete and affordable way.
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The implant designed to obtain an excellent esthetic result, characterized by an internal conical connection, platform switching and Synthegra laser surface. Evolution of over a decade of way experience, way Mix is the dental implant which can satisfy the highest expectations of the patients in terms of esthetics, as it acts on the key factors: maintenance of bone levels, effective conditioning of the soft tissues and creation of an esthetically guided restoration.
Watch the video of way dental implant.
Thanks to the platform switching, the microthread and the internal conical connection with a hexagonal base, the dental implant way Mix maintains the bone levels in the long term. The wide range includes lengths by each mm, allowing to take advantage of all the available bone height, thus maximizing bone-implant contact.
It contains all the surgical and prosthetic instruments common to all the way implant lines, on the basis of a protocol applied for over twenty years, for maximum clinical reliability.
The profile of the prosthetic components leaves space for the tissues, avoiding any peri-implant compression, so promoting the healing processes. For the maintenance of the conditioned gingival volume over the entire treatment, the emerging profile is replicated by all components. The unique connection offers an easier management of the restoration; the wide range of prosthetic components, available in the two profiles Small and Large, allows always to choose the best restorative solution possible.